In reading this term our focus has been looking at articles around Climate Change.
I have learned that: The great pacific garbage patch is 3 times bigger then France and has over 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic.Quartz gets used when you are making glass.The earth once had over 60% of trees all over the land but now there is only less then 30% of trees covering the land.It takes 300 million years to form coal.Rhinos get killed because of there horns which gets used to a traditional medicine.In some places people still kill animals for sport, Grizzly bears are one of the animals that get targeted, In 2017 the British, Columbia and Canada banned killing grizzly bears for ether there meat or for sport.
New words that I discovered are:
Fossil fuel: fuel that comes from a factory.
Microorganisms: They breakdown all the food that's in a compost bin.
What is something good that we can do in life to help the earth?