
Friday, November 29, 2019

PBL Term 3

                                                                       P.B.L Term 3
This term for our P.B.L we are doing how can innovation improve our lives so we have been going to different classes and have been making planes, boats and trying to move toy cars with out touching them. 
Boats:Each of us had to go in groups my group had me, Zach H, Lily M and Cairo O. Then we had to make a boat with paper, plastic straws, tin foal, tape and plastic cups. After we made our boat we had to see if it floated and our one did. Then you would start putting marbles in it before it sunk. The most marbles was 64 but then our group bet them with 91 marbles, Unfortunately Cooper's group bet us by 143 marbles.

Cars:The first thing we did was go into groups and my group was Me, Tama and Noah. Then the teacher told us that we had to move a toy car across the table without touching it and the martial's  that we had was 1 Balloon, Tape, Paper, Plastic Straws and String. our idea was to put a string a balloon to the toy car and then blow it up and put it on the table and let it go. after the time was up every group went to the table and we took turns to see who's ideas work and which car was the fastest my group was last. after all the other groups have had there turn it was ours Noah put it on the table and then let the blown up balloon go... but sadly it went nowhere and so we did not win:(

Planes:We had to make a paper plane and make it fly really far, The martial's we had was straws, paper and play doe. Karter, Noah and Tama were in my group.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Playhouse theater

(yesterday 2/5/19) The playhouse theatre came to school and preformed the hare and the tortoise. the story started with the gingerbread man and the hair were going to race to see who's the fastest in the world but before the race the hare was calling the gingerbread man biscuit boy and the gingerbread man was calling the hare a bunny. Then they started the race the gingerbread man was in the lead but then the hare came past the gingerbread the hare was in the lead hare had won and made fun of the gingerbread man which made him sad then a tortoise came along then the gingerbread had an idea so he got the best trainer to come and help the tortoise to run fast then came hump DE dump DE he help the tortoise then she was ready. they raced and the tortoise won.

The end

The museum

This week we went to the museum, when we got there went inside and sat down, Then we were told  where all the emergency exits were just encase there was an emergency and so we went into our home base lines and went off to our first activates my class room 2 went to see and try out the old techniques and tools that the first people that arrived to New Zealand used. there were 2 techniques and 3 different tools, then we went our groups and rotated. when we finished rotating we went to the next activate which was a bit of a treasure hunt all we had to do was find some items and then after we had done that it was lunch time now so we ate our lunch and then we got play in this giant tree it was after that we went back into our groups and got to explore.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Thursday Sports


On Thursday Last Week we did lawn bowls. First the lady told how to play the game, So first you get a bowl (there are two coloured bowls) and there has to be an even amount of players in both teams which was Green and purple. Then there was a circle of cones that were in a pattern of Green, blue, green, Blue and if you had a green bowl you go in front of the green cone and if you had a purple bowl you would go in front of a blue cone. So when every one was in there place she told us to put our bowls on top of the cone and well one team would try and bowl the bowl into one of the 4 hula hoops that were in the centre. Then the other team would try to hit them all out and for example: if green got 6 in the hula hoops and purple hit one out green would get five points and after a few rounds what ever team had the most points won! My score was 10-10. After we did a few more fun activates with the bowls.
But wait! I still have Cricket and Korfball coming up so I'll be blogging about those as well.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Letter Writing

This week i made a letter about me being in the trench's in world war 1 and this is what it looks like.

Dear  Ant Dorthy

It has been 167 days since the last time I saw you. I can't Remember the last time that I heard the gunshots and Explosions. Today my mate Richard died from Suffocating in the trench when it was caved in. The food supply is running low and I am Enable to eat my Biscuits cause there are fleas on it speaking of fleas. There have been body flea all over me! It's horrible in this trench there are rats that are the size of cats and there are dead bodies all over the place, But at least i have nipper the messaging dog with me. I hope to come back to you.

Sincerely: Millie